The Books

TTS_Cover_300pxThe Time Stones: Book 1 story begins when college student Sarabeth Steinbrenner inherits a rock-crystal pendant bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Viking artifacts called the Visby Lenses. Her unique pendant, however, harbors a mysterious power capable of transporting her and her friends back through time. With this ancestral pendant in hand, Sarabeth begins her journey to the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World in search of clues to a hidden Eighth Wonder … and its treasures. But she must first unlock the secrets of the pendant and uncover the clues to her ancestral treasure before her efforts are foiled by an unexpected adversary.

Book 1 is available in paperback from as well as other fine book sellers. Please order your paperback here from Amazon for only $12.95 plus applicable shipping charges. Book 1 is also available by quick e-delivery in Kindle ebook format for only $8.99 from

Book 1 is the first in the series to feature the adventures of The Time Stones characters. In future books our characters will explore each of the Ancient Wonders of the World. Stay tuned for Book 2 (The Statue of Zeus) coming your way in 2023.


The Time Stones series will also eventually feature a blog on this website that discusses the coming adventures of The Time Stones characters and more about Visby Lenses and the Ancient Wonders of the World.

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